
Lucky Roomate

Now and for several next years, i lived in Yogyakarta and sharing room with my besties, Gieta. She often cooks for us and I feel so lucky not because of her cook but also friendship among us! :)

the number of our room in UGM dormitory

Here we come

we merged our bed to minimize fearness in the night

we are here to fight to be a great accountan and diplomat

I created this photo frame when 16th Gieta's Birthday

Even I have no biological family in Jogja but for me Gieta is my sister here. She reminds me to pray, cooks fried rice, noodles, and another experiment foods, she accompanies me and it's pretty cure homesickness. Thanks Giet! :D

Taken with Blackberry Curve Camera (hope can own my slr asap :))

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