
Enjoying College Life

[caption id="attachment_323" align="aligncenter" width="405"]college best friends: Me, Dina (Lampung), Miana (Aceh), Miftha (Banjarmasin), Adin (Solo) college best friends: Me, Dina (Lampung), Miana (Aceh), Miftha (Banjarmasin), Adin (Solo)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_338" align="aligncenter" width="460"]Class F, Economics and Business UGM 2011 Class F, Economics and Business UGM 2011[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_384" align="aligncenter" width="460"]BEM FEB UGM 2011 BEM FEB UGM 2011[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_383" align="aligncenter" width="460"]my point of view every morning, every evening for a year my point of view every morning, every evening for a year[/caption]



it always hard for the beginning

but when i tried to enjoy it, everything seems possible.

You make me feel enjoy in Jogja, friends.

Be nice, always.


1 komentar

  1. Nit, kamu tahu apa? Rencana Allaah itu keren sekali.
    Kupikir aku pernah melihat seseorang yang di foto pertama itu sebelumnya, dan ternyata, Miana itu adalah kakak kelasku waktu sd.

    SubhanAllaah. Perjalanan yang jauh, namun ikatan yang lebih dekat daripada yang kita duga.


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